Anti - Inflammatory Foods

Any time our bodies sense a form of “invasion” they respond accordingly, sending white blood cells as defense. An invasion can be anything from a microbe, virus, pollen, plant, or chemical. Once the invader is defeated, bodily functions presume as normal.


This process of defense is also termed a “high-alert process” or better known as “inflammation”! Excessive stress, and frequent high alert processes can wear on the body over time. Continuous inflammation is a sign that the body may be cycling through the high alert process too frequently and becomes a chronic issue. These issues disturb the natural balance of the body, throwing other normal functions out of whack. The disturbance of the bodies equilibrium can lead to cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, depression, arthritis and pain. It can also worsen and/or mask auto-immune diseases.

While inflammation is a necessary function for the human body, it must be treated accordingly when functions move from occasional to hyper-frequent, acute to chronic. Reducing inflammation in the body can lead to better mental and emotional health, helping the body to help itself. Eating foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties, can help the body function better.

I’ve gathered brief information about 10 anti-inflammatory foods that can be easily added to any diet!

  • Green Leafy Vegetables

    • Ex. Swiss chard contains naturally anti-inflammatory such as Vitamins C, D, and K!

  • Beets

    • Natural antioxidants highly concentrated with betalain, an anti-inflammatory compound that inhibits the activity of enzymes that body needs to trigger inflammation.

  • Ginger

    • Potent anti-inflammatory, helps reduce intestinal gas, and nausea. (Be aware that garlic also thins blood, this may not be a suitable addition for those that are avoiding blood thinners.)

  • Virgin Coconut Oil

    • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving). Consumed orally by capsule, drink, warm or cold).

  • Green Tea

    • Lowers cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, placing less stress on the process of defense. Also provides energy and vitality. (Should be consumed in moderate amounts, as excess caffeine can stimulate overactive adrenals).

  • Bok Choy

    • Potent anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, along with a high concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin A. The concentrations of these vegetables are noted to be higher than any other forms of cabbage and lettuce, even Kale!

  • Walnuts

    • Very rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Helps to protect the metabolic system of cells, and defend against cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes

  • Black Cod

    •               Noted to have higher Omega 3 fatty acids than Salmon.

These are just a few foods that can easily be added to most diets, to aid in inflammation reduction. Curcumin and Turmeric are also great spices which aid in reducing inflammation.

Foods to avoid include refined (white) carbs including sugars, sodas, red and or processed meats, fried foods, and margarine. These foods increase inflammation and can counter-act the foods listed above.