Manuka - The Super Honey

Manuka Honey is a unique type of honey originating from New Zealand, that researchers are finding has the power to enhance beauty, improve one’s health and even fight off bacteria already resistant to antibiotics!

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For centuries honey has been revered as a healing substance, however many are now saying that Manuka is changing the game. It has unique qualities which conveniently make its consumer healthier and more vibrant. Pronounced “ma-NOO-ka”, this type of honey did not exist before 1839 when settlers brought in the first ever honeybees to New Zealand. Those bees began to collect their honey from regionally indigenous manuka shrubs and trees. Honey bees thrived off of the manuka plant and began producing hives, inspiring the collection and usage of their honey for human consumption in New Zealand. In 1981 the powerful properties of manuka began to be discovered by the rest of the world.

Why is it so special?

All honey contains potent amounts and a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. All honey in its unprocessed state is also antibacterial. Manuka Honey is special because of its additional and very potent anti-viral and anti-biotic properties that make manuka less susceptible to spoil-ability.

The usual anti-biotic properties in honey are from naturally occurring antiseptic hydrogen peroxide content. Hot environments, light and an enzyme found in human saliva, tissue and blood degrade the actions of the peroxide. Manuka honey also has this property; however, it contains another more powerful substance referred to as methylgly-oxal, or MGO. This is an antibacterial that is not affected by heat, light, or any substances within the human body! This is what gives Manuka it’s special power! This means that you may safely add manuka to hot tea, or consume it raw without degrading the effectiveness or potency of the honey.

So far, researchers have identified nearly 80 species of bacteria in which Manuka honey can inhibit, including MRSA (a very serious, anti-bacterial resistant bacterial infection). These researchers state that there have been no other strains of honey that have been documented as capable of doing the same. Manuka can also reverse anti-bacterial resistance, be used as an alternative to antibiotics in wound treatment and even to enhance the effectiveness of an antibiotic treatment.

Additional Benefits

Recent studies at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand have revealed additional benefits to Manuka Honey. They have found that Manuka Honey….

  • Stimulates white blood cells – enhancing immunity

  • Acts as an anti-oxidant and prevents formation of damaging free radicals

  • With test of 4 other honeys, Manuka was on average 4xs more potent than the others

  • Kills bad gut bacteria and protects good ones. Can also soothe digestive issues

  • As a sweetener is safer on all body cells

  • Fights harmful bacteria gum disease causing bacteria in the mouth

  • Fights some viruses that cause respiratory infections.


Manuka can be used to soothe sore throats and coughs, and lessen the duration of colds and sinus infections. In troubling and immediate situation manuka honey is very effective topical treatment for cleansing and protecting open sores and wounds. When used topically on burns, Manuka has shown to be more powerful than traditional antibiotic salves.

The honey is available through the United States in jars, single serve packets, and as an ingredient in several lozenges, syrups, lotions, creams, soaps, and balms.

To avoid infection, take one table spoon of Manuka honey once a day. For treatment, use one with a higher antimicrobial rating and take several teaspoons throughout the day. For wounds and dressings, medical professionals advise using an irradiated form of honey, but honey out of the jar is routinely used to treat wounds and speed up healing time.

 Note that manuka honey is not suitable for anyone allergic to bee products.